Lifetime Eyehealth Associates      

To Star Vision patients,

After 38 years of providing service and being the owner of Star Vision, I have decided to retire at the end of September 2023 and will be in the process of permanently closing the office. I am also in the process of transferring patient records to a local Eye doctor at Melrose Eyecare ( I am excited to become a part of Dr. Haris Dzubur's team, because our philosophies, of going the extra step to take care of our patients, align perfectly.

I'm am confident in a smooth transition for my patients to continue to receive the care and attention they have gotten for the past 4 decades. I will do whatever's in my capability to help out my patient's needs after the office closes. I will keep a limited schedule (one day per week) at Melrose Eyecare, to still care for all of the patients that I have had the honor of taking care of, the past 40 years.

I can be contacted by email after October 1st @ and the current office phone number (708) 456-2271, will be linked to to the new office. I will, as quickly as possible, try to address any inquiries or orders I receive.

I'd like to express my gratitude to all my loyal and wonderful patients that I have had the privilege of providing vision care. I've had one job my entire adult life and will always be grateful to my patients, staff, and the Harlem Irving Companies for allowing me to have an amazing career here on the Northwest side.

Thank you,
Dr. John Sterczek